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Between Two Worlds
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Chong Neng Xiong, a professional shaman from Oshkosh, Wisc., explains how the Hmong New Year rituals work and how he became an elder in the Hmong community.

50 Responses to Between Two Worlds: The Hmong Shaman in America

  • wang27ok says:

    Hey people, please respect the elders. They did the best they could with out modern medicine and technology to get most of us here to the US. They may be able to understand gangster talk and modern technology but remember that shamans are one of the oldest religions in the world. And if it were so stupid, it would have died off long ago.

  • hmoobxwb1 says:

    @AzureKenji There were others whom can learn to become shamen/shamwomen (shame). The learned shamen/shamwomen aren’t connected the spirit world at all. So they can become shamen/shamwomen – being ashamed… Fools are all shamen/shamwomen…hahaha…

  • oddalei says:

    @micrheu ask yourself that question you pedophile! lol

  • micrheu says:

    @oddalei You’re not very bright, Odd. How’s that minimum wage job coming along? 😀 You’re not too bright, are you?

  • micrheu says:

    @oddalei Watching your tog your niam for help. Hey, how’s McDonalds coming along?

    BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Hey stupid…good to see you…again.

  • AzureKenji says:

    You just cant be a shaman…You have to be chosen…If you just claim to be, you will be in grave danger…If you cant pass the test of the spirits, you’ll die away. Thus, this world is full of questions and answers, yet none of them truly exists. A piece of paper doesn’t control the paranormal affect and the will of nature…

  • twistinu2 says:

    ok this guy is a good shaman

  • oddalei says:

    hey bitch! where the fuck did you go now? getting molest by your parents? lol

  • oddalei says:

    you sure know a lot, maybe you’re just speaking for yourself. lol, am i right?

  • oddalei says:

    thank god you’re back you piece of child molesting shit. lol, i was wondering what happen to you. I guess you’re back from the basement huh? lol

  • micrheu says:

    How’s that rectum of your’s that I treated? My little brown-eyed Oddly…so sad…such a failure you are.

    So how are ya?

  • micrheu says:

    Hey dummy, still here watching you going no where? Still flipping burgers? Did you get that .10 cent raise?

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You…FAILED…miserably. How’s your niam and txiv? Everyone still on welfare sucking off society? Rise up, dummy. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  • oddalei says:

    hey child molester, where have you gone?

  • oddalei says:

    basement huh? great, with your minors? lol

  • jujdubutube09 says:

    Hahahahah,,, U r right! But really the real shaman should be certified so when they sacrafice animals there wouldn’t be any problem. Because there will always be animal sacrafice to the spiritual world..

  • Nhia89 says:

    @jujdubutube09 HAHAHAHAHA if had to get a fancy certifaicate to show that he’s a certified shamen then what does that tells you?? Would you really trust him?

  • jujdubutube09 says:

    The reason I asked is because I saw his shaman certificate on the wall. I like to know who certified him as a shaman.

    My mom said the same as ur dad. But this guy has a shaman certificate.

  • thojclan says:

    yeah casue basement is the only place that would fit those spiritual shelfs..cant put all that in the house..duuhhh..haha

  • Nhia89 says:

    @jujdubutube09 you cant just be certified or anything like that you have to be born a shamen. Like what my dad told me nobody can go practice and become a shamen they have to be born a shamen. Whoever say that someone gotta be certified or get a certificate of apporval to be a shamen is wrong

  • oddalei says:

    hey there pedophile, how you been? how many more little boys did you and your priest captured this time?

  • micrheu says:

    Basement…get over it. You’re still an idiot.

  • micrheu says:

    Yes, I’m very bright.

  • micrheu says:

    Yes, I am cool. Thanks, greaseball.

    You’re not very bright, are you?

  • micrheu says:

    Right here watching you hollering to the spirits. Seems like you’re still as dumb as ever.

    Good to see you. I hope 2010 brings you some wisdom and acclimate. Way to go, ya gimp.


  • jujdubutube09 says:

    I see that he is a certified shaman. My mother is a shalady. She’s very busy on the week-ends to help Hmong in Michigan. Who or what organization that can certify shaman? I like her to be certified like this guy, too. Please let me know where my mom can be certified like this guy.

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