towering rage the young Newton fought back until his larger opponent was a quivering wreck. But Newton did not stop there. He was determined to humiliate his opponent in the classroom too. Soon Newton became deeply involved in his academic pursuits, especially science, and amazed the locals with such things as handmade water clocks and flying lanterns.” (Farndon, J, et al, 2005, p59 & 60). Newton went on to make his great “discoveries” of “the law of gravity and the laws of motion.” (Farndon, J, et al, 2005, p61)
53: Douglas, C, in Eisendrath, P. Y & Dawson, T, 1997, p29
54: ibid
55: Jung, C, 1995, p231
56: Shamdasani, S, 2003, p27
57: Shamdasani, S, 2003, p17
58: Nagy, M, 1991 p22
Chapter 2
1: Jung, C, 1995, p231
2: ibid
3: Giegerich, W, quoted by Marlan, S, in Papadopoulos, R, 2006, p287
4: Marlan, S, on Giegerich, W, in Papadopoulos, R, 2006, p287
5: Jung, C, 1992, par 192, p114
6: Noll, R, 1997
7: Jung, C, in Shamdasani, S, 1998, p10
8: Giegerich, W, p58
9: Giegerich, W, p2
10: Giegerich, W, p11
11: ibid
12: Giegerich, W, p12
13: Giegerich, W, p32
14: Giegerich, W, p46
15: Giegerich,
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