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Beyond the Secret: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction

Beyond the Secret:

Spiritual Power & the Law of Attraction

By Dr. Lisa Love

(Book Excerpt, Copyright ã 2007, All Rights Reserved. Book Available NOW on

Chapter One: Orient Towards Spirit

If there is one secret truly worth discovering, it is not the secret of the law of attraction. It is the secret of Spirit. True, the law of attraction can bring you whatever you want in life, but as I mentioned before, it won’t necessarily bring you what is good for you. Only Spirit understands what you really need and why you are here.

Seek to understand what Spirit wants for you in this life.

As you will discover the law of attraction can be used in healthy or unhealthy ways. A child can be attracted to a flame, but the best result is not to put her hand into the fire and get burned. Metaphorically, Spirit can be seen as a divine parent, seeking to guide you into greater wisdom and maturity. And what Spirit ultimately wants for you is simple—to be conscious of the universe.

Spirit also wants you to live an abundant life. But, let’s be clear on what spiritual abundance is and what it is not. An abundance of Spirit is an abundance of spiritual wisdom and insight. It includes an abundance of spiritual values like patience, love, compassion, maturity, respect, appreciation, intelligence, harmony, inner peace, joy, and a dedication to what is often called the good, the true, and the beautiful.

Spiritual Lessons Are Everywhere

Yes, your dharma, or spiritual purpose in life, may involve great monetary wealth. But, then again, it may not!

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