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huge accomplishment. If you can also learn to love, care for, and respect your family, neighbors, co-workers, and community—wow! What a wonderful world it would be if we could all do that!

So, why not begin right now to use the law of attraction to help you live a loving and spiritual life? And, don’t forget to attract to yourself an understanding of just how much you have to offer. That way you will seek to make your life more about contribution, instead of acquisition, as you live from day to day.

Therefore, use the law of attraction to benefit not only yourself, but everyone around you.

Orient toward Spirit—Key Insights

1. Seek to understand what Spirit wants for you in this life.

2. Understand that Spirit is infinite; forms are finite. Spirit is abundant; forms are not.

3. Remember the law of attraction is neutral. Though you can use it to get whatever you wish for, it doesn’t always give you what Spirit wishes for you!

4. Use the law of attraction to benefit not only yourself, but everyone around you.

Dr. Lisa Love is the author of BEYOND THE SECRET: Spiritual Power and the Law of Attraction. She brings twenty-five years of experience in psychology and spirituality that have helped her understand how various spiritual disciplines interface with the Soul, mind, emotions, and body. Her degrees include an MS in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling, an MS in Transpersonal Psychology (transpersonal is the psychology of human health and excellence), an MSE in Spiritual Psychology, and a PhDE in Esoteric Philosophy. She also has nearly completed a PhD in Transpersonal Psychology, and she has training in somatic psychology, creative expression, and spiritual guidance.

Dr. Love has previously been a relationship advisor for She has been a syndicated columnist in several magazines, as well as through America Online’s Religion, Psychology, and Alternative Health forums. Three times, she has hosted radio programs, both on the Internet and in the Central Coast and in Southern California, interviewing well-known authors and speaking about how Spirit interfaces with psychology in our lives.

In the 1980s, she acted primarily as a Marriage, Family, and Child Therapist specializing in sexual and physical abuse. And, she trained extensively in meditation modalities, later teaching meditation for a period of ten years. She was one of the first to pioneer teaching meditation over the Internet through America Online. Immersed in the Christian faith and as a natural mystic when a child and a teenager, she considers herself interfaith, honoring the best that all spiritual teachings have to share. Later she formed a website, that at the time was the third-largest spirituality, personal growth, and health and healing site on the Internet. She lives in Encinitas, California. Her current website is:

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