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Bikers Gangs of America

The open air and miles of stretched out cement form mazes all across the United States. Bikers nationwide consider this road a home away from home and their desire to explore it is sometimes described as a spiritual calling and also can be the road to a life of organized crime. Bikers often form groups, clubs and gangs to find community and enjoy the open road together.

Often passing one biker alone in an automobile or having them brush past your vehicle one can fear for their safety. With motorcycle bikers, the procuring noise and visual effect of a group of leather clad well travels bikers is enough to part traffic and make cars treat the group with respect and reverence and even a little fear.
Highly organized legal as well as unlawful gangs consist of membership or allegiance based on a strict voting system.

If a single one of the club bikers says no, the new recruit will be rejected and therefore unprotected on the wrong turf. Clubs may have patches adorned with the term MC that member bikers are to wear on their vests. The internal organization of a biker club consists of a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, road captain and sergeant-at-arms. Localized groups of a single Motorcycle Club are called chapters; the first chapter is referred to as the mother chapter. The president of the mother chapter serves as the president of the entire biker club and sets rules and policies on a variety of issues.
Lawful bikers clubs may contain a cross section of military or firemen, law enforcement agencies or a combination thereof. The longest running biker club in the U.S is known as the Yonkers MC founded in 1903, the San Francisco MC and the Oakland MC. The Hell’s Angeles are

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