READ DESCRIPTION OR DIE SENOR/SENORA[S]!!!!! ********************************************************** so its my girl amanda’s b-day tomorrow. and i thought i would make something for her hahah. and what better song to edit with than this one? even tho i hate the source i used for it. but im at my moms and i only got this, or another naruto vid…and we all know you dont want that hahaha. so hope you guys can enjoy this video. i made it kinda fast cause i hate editing these days and it annoyes me. but i hadda suffer through it for amanda haha. so subb her!…i cant seem to find her channel at the moment for she spells everything weird…. but its something like inoxshika4ever! look it up and if you find her then subb her! or if she comments while im in a slumber. then subscribe to her that way hahah Song: Birthday Sex [Cover] Artist: To Kill The King Time Spent: 2 hours Editor: Ryokii93 Program: Sony Vegas 7.0 Thanks For Watching! BE SURE TO COMMENT!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@Ryokii93 Thanks bro.
@JelloAMV …good god man. thats pretty dirty haha
Dirtier than fingering your sister and finding your dads wedding ring.
@JelloAMV lmfao i know. that shit was dirty as the scum on the bottum of my feet
:O dubstep at the end was very filthy
@MandoBruh haha oh. its called lonely by attack attack
@MandoBruh No I meant the Attack Attack song you were talking about… lol sorry.
This was the Sex… Seriously! D:
@MandoBruh in the description my good friend
@Ryokii93 What’s the song called?
i liked the beginning before the screaming LOL <3 and zomg it's amanda's bday D: <333
@DisIsDwSOmE1CoOl have you heard attack attack’s new album? they did an RnB song and its sexy <3
@TjurenProductions haha dude i got so many songs its not even funny. i just dont edit as much so havent used em all yet XD and my secret shall never be revealed
if i make a vid with that song to mah girl she cut me D,= xD cuz she only like cursi songs t.T
tah video its epic boy hand up
Thank youuuu Maarty!!!! x3 I lurve it!!! O8 and yeah, I’ll be sure to get some birthday sex. lmao. and it’s inoxshika4ev. gosh. xDD lmao. *__* thank you!!!!! ?
Thats hot 8D
why……..why are so many rock tunes ruining so many rnb songs
how do you keep finding these awesome songs? What’s your secret dude?
@Ryokii93 Ah, ok XD
dude that was fuckin beast xD
@xxxSAYANARAxxxx haha yeah i know. but i went raw really. and didnt add any shakes. only thing i did was a few brightness increase’s for the flashes at the end. i made this really quick haha
THat would be sum Hardcore RoughAss Anal Poundingg…
But i like it (Y)
@Ryokii93 half hour *