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Black Magic Witches – Do They Help Or Harm?

Be it White magic witches or Black Magic Witches – since time immemorial witches have been looked down upon as Satan’s much feared evil agents on earth, who perform satanic rituals of unspeakable violence and who are half human, half animal creatures of the dark, best avoided by the muggles.

Black Magic Witches are, in plain terms, wicked witches – they are regarded as evil. The most common notions about them gathered from fairy tales and children’s storybooks are that they steal from poor people, they keep monkeys with wings and they ride about on brooms. And Black Magic Witches are often delusively pretty as TV shows on witchcraft would like us to believe.

What is the picture that comes up to our minds when we think of Black Magic Witches? For reference, let us draw a quick summary of the figure of witches as found in all those storybooks, fairy tales and grandma’s tales that we were used to in our childhood. And of course, Macbeth’s 3 witches are a case in point as well as they help to reinstate and reinforce the preconceived and highly imaginative image of witches in our minds.

Human history has always spoken of Black Magic Witches in negative terms. They are these wrinkled old hags wearing pointy black hats and black capes, who always keep black cats, bats and winged monkeys as pets. They love to ride about on broomsticks that fly in the air, especially in the dead of night and they conjure evil spells and hexes with rickety bony hands and impossibly long claw like finger nails over bubbling cauldrons in black!

It is also believed that witches kill babies, drink or use their blood to make satanic potions, worship the devil, make human and animal sacrifices and put curses on humankind that result in crop failure, famine, illness and sickness, infertility in women and which can even make cow’s milk go sour!

Throughout the middle ages, during the Elizabethan age and even in the progressive, sophisticated, scientifically well informed 21st century, thousands of innocent women possessing knowledge of herbs and herbal medicine, were and are killed, burnt alive or are stoned/beaten to death in different countries of the world because of this raging misconception about witches.

And all of these innocents died and die an excruciatingly painful death on the stakes as they are just ordinary human beings like us and couldn’t/can’t survive the ‘satanic’ torture inflicted on them. Real witches, however, can come out alive and unscathed after being burnt alive at a stake!

Whereas in reality, Black Magic Witches do nothing of the sorts as are alleged against them. Neither do they steal, nor do they kill. And as for using herbs, charms, incense, oils and incantations, even the Christian Catholic Church and several other religions of the world officially use the same things and perform the same rituals as witches. But no one even thinks of pointing an accusing finger against the church!

Black Magic Witches neither believe in the devil nor do they worship the devil. And if they try to cause any harm to an innocent, that harm will return to haunt her 3 times more strongly and wont affect the innocent.

Black Magic Witches are basically wise old women of letters, who are scholars in the subjects of metaphysics, magic, spirituality and herbs and who use their beneficial knowledge to help humankind, not to cause destruction and devastation, as is erroneously believed by ignorant ill informed fools.

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