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20 Responses to Black Magick Mamas experience…..wmv

  • MidnightWolfRain says:

    wow this really speaks to me…

  • Dracontias3 says:

    Very interesting mam. It is very true that there are mant doorways in the astral realm. I am the High priest of a Wicca Coven, however I practice dragon magick as a solitary practitioner. Dragons guard many doorways in the astral realm. Many they will not let you enter until you are ready. Some of the doorways move, and I dare not enter those without my guardian! Do me a favor though, tell me more about the hairs. Does that happen often?

  • The1spiritwalker says:

    This is just my opinion. I have had a lot of experience with the spirit realm… Things like what you have describe can happen and do happen. Its not because you were black or where in a hair salon.The way you described the darkness behind you leaves me to believe that you were astral. During astral you can come in contact with many sprits some human some not. walking through the different realms you can pick thinks up and bring them with you!

  • Xxmusicfan says:

    omg when u talked about just finishing a book. last night i finished readin a book on psychic powers and i woke up with weird pains but it wasnt pain ( if tht makes sense) and i was shaking and couldnt stop shaking this went on for ages.. and one time i woke up and saw a black figure standing over my bed it was fully black with no face or eyes or anything but i wasnt scared, dou know what any of this could mean? ..

  • rosskay says:

    When you mentioned the various hairs my first thought was you picked up mixed hairs that came from a beauty salon (might have trailed off of someones pants or something) and that you literally may have picked up energy from those hairs.

  • Teknobard357 says:

    As for the hairs, you may have been overenergized that day or simply been wearing a fabric that is condusive to static elecrticity. Either way, the fact that little to none of the hair is yours tells me that you were absorbing other people’s emotions and thoughts(dead or alive, doesn’t matter), probably overcharging yourself. Cleansing will help that too. Just be aware that some malevolent spirits mimic the dead to fool the living into trusting them, so keep protection on hand just in case.

  • Teknobard357 says:

    That’s actually pretty easy to explain. Some Spirits feed off of heat to sustain themselves, others feed off of light(like that given off by electrical bulbs) and some feed off life force. If I were you i would remain open to them and continue a line of communication with them, but be sure to take up a regular self-purification regime to keep yourself free of leeching spirits that drain you. Most Witches take ritual baths or fumigate themselves with herb smoke. Personally, i do both.

  • jingwu42 says:

    mama, ya should have said something i got the answer your looking for

  • Crabshell18 says:

    Were you wearing black clothes? I attract hairs when I wear black.

  • infernaldarklord says:

    cool. get those all the time. XD we should chat sometime.

  • Spiritree41 says:


  • hustlevilleent12 says:

    omg!!! yooooo i have pulled alien like hair on me 2 then looked @ in the microscope…its NOT hair! i think it is a way 4 our ancestors 2 keep track of us… cause the hair always comes after i meet w an ancestor or see a ufo like object

  • bassreeves1965 says:

    angel hairs! or guardian angel(ancestor hairs)

  • MsSophiaDawn says:


    You have the most interesting videos!!

  • justfarr1030 says:

    You should watch Bobby Hemmitt’s lecture where he talked about how to build an altar. I want to do this in my house.

    Any suggestions sister?

  • raindog951 says:

    Something I read might give you a different perspective on the visions and dreams. Apparently in dreams and visions symbols are living beings or things, while people are often symbols, maybe of emotions.
    This is one reason why symbols are powerful in ritual, they are actual living things which can be used to protect against demons or spirits.

  • sharlena123 says:

    I can tell you that in my experience the dark shadows are creepy, I acknowlege them and dismiss them. Im not sure what they are, but Im always very weary of them. The wheel you saw sounds like a key that was given to you, try to draw it and look up the symbols.

  • TheWriterwoman says:

    Spiritree, you are amazing. I love to hear about your spiritual experiences. I was going to watch the other half of this video but can’t find it. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

  • GoldenSpark75 says:

    Oh wow Spiritree!

  • icshadowiclight says:

    Your camera might have a “macros” function that should help do a close up of small things. It’s the button that looks like a flower/tulip and it’ll help focus on closeups.
    Those millions of people sound like some of my dreams, except in my dreams I’m talking to thousands of people all at once at the same time and understanding every conversation. When I wake, my understanding of the communications disappear.

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