I filmed only one of each kid? spell (except Shot of Red Fire, I just like that scene ) and from those spells that were seen multiple times in the show I picked up those that I liked most. Enjoy ! PS: If I missed any kid? spell, I would appreciate it if you informed me of it.
that was a bad example of white lightning
awesome and for that im going to kiss you so stay put and WAY OF BINDING NO.99 FORST SONG SEAL an now for the kiss WAY OF DESTRUCTION NO. 31 SHOT OF RED FIRE
omg wen i said number 33 i saw a flash of blue light come down with my hand coooooooooooooool
There’s also no. 88, the one where Tessai used against Aizen. I know you uploaded this before it was out but just a note=P
where is byakuya???
he is far more better in “way of Binding No.61 – Six Rods of Light prison” then Rukia XD
(right at 1:54)
Renji looks so snug in Zabimaru :3
Should have shown Bakudou no 61 Rikujoukourou and Hadou no 33 Soukatsui when Byakuya did them on Renji…Rukia’s sucked.
Nice though you forgot hado # 1: sho! and others.
3:21 epic faceplant.
bleach in english sounds like shit
jap ftw
wow nice stuffs, u should make part 2 too
the first byakurai was the arc before when byakuya shot it through ichigos right shoulder
ho do now what kido nr 100 is, i now ^^
Yeah I noticed that, but just saying incase he wanted to mkae another one in the future
All put the #62. Hundred stepped rai lwas a 2008 one if you read the bleach manga’s
tehmambo uploaded the video in november 30 2008. appararently no hadou 62 81 37 before that date. okay?
renji actually uses it a fourth time in the latest episode and actually kind of uses it well haha kind of. but i’ll just let you all make your own opinions on it and not spoil it
This video was made in November 2008. Most of those Kido were 2009, right?
You missed number #62 hundred stepped rail number 81 severing void. number 37 suspended star number 88 heavy shaking dragon cannon.
renji still sucks at hado 31 he uses it 3 times in the anime. the first was when he was in the academy and it blew up in his face. the second was when he tried using it as a light but turned out into a tiny flame and the third time was for an explosion.
and what the hell do you mean “keep my hands off the keyboard”? I like my keyboard X]]]]]
lmao I just told you what i meant when i said “ew” why the hell do you keep on putting words in my mouth? So how am i contradicting myself when i in no point in those comments wrote that it was wrong for you to prefer english??? just answer me that. And maybe you should get yourself a new keyboard lol
then keep your damn hands off the keyboard! “ew” means its gross or wrong! youre contradicting what you said. “oh ew….but theres nothing wrong with it.” thats exactly what youre saying. and also a typo while using a broken keyboard isnt what i meant by THINK! “anything else?” get off your pedestal ya witty bastard.