Video for the song “Viking Power Rock and Roll” from the Return to Asgard CD. —————————————– I hear my people call me from across the sea They say we are the true sons of victory We don’t care what you call us, we will carry on If we get knocked down we will come back stronger We follow the past and my peoples ways Through this we set example and strive to see a new day Through all the bitter darkness we’ll try and shed the light This will be our song, when we stand and fight Music to save your soul — Viking power rock and roll Forever our names uphold – Viking power rock and roll Forever we come on strong – Viking power rock and roll We’ll come for you it won’t be long – Viking power rock and roll Viking power rock and roll Don’t tell me I can’t believe from where it was I came 200 years of separation, my blood is still the same We don’t want your thunder, this now you must know We are paying tribute with the sounds of our own
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Sioux City all girl metal band Pagans on Wagons rocking in the Leeds house basement.
heil VF! ROA! heil chicago chapter!
So pathetic.. if you check out your website and the galleries, all the faces are blurred. Cowards. Pretending to be vikings.. you’re pathetic.
hail volksfront 88
No love for Bill Riccio I gather.
Fuck you faggot
heil from TN
hail the birthday cake!
fuck nazi!!!
alerta antifaxista !!!
after months of searching youtube for the perfect viking band, my search ends here.
I love this band, btw if any of you hate judeo christianity then you should watch the video response i put up to this, Blood Red Eagle Forever!!!
Hail Volksfront!!! Hail Blood and Honour!!! And Hail my Svensk blood>
The past of the nordic civization is trying to be erased by zionist bastards all over the world.
i see this is a viking song… however i am of Viking Decent and i just want to make sure that these guys are the really thing….
Awesome song, I especially love the line “200 years of separation “MY BLOOD IS STILL THE SAME” this holds true for a lot of australians but for how much longer? thanks to multi-culti.
GEIL !!! GEIL !!! GEIL c”,)
SIEG GEIL from germany
good jam!
Sieg heil from Russia!!!
RealCatDog88 vad fan har vikingar med nazism o .göra ……….rtard?
See you in valhalla, brothers!
Blood Red Eagle is nigger music and you are nigger music lovers. African slaves brought jungle rhythms to America and bred R&B, then rock including metal and punk. All rock has nigger ancestry. You claim racial purity but bounce like monkeys to jungle rhythms. Your culture is a failure: since white music sucks you have to suck Rock Daddys big black dick. Burn your monkey rock and stick to polka and opera, or swallow your Daddys black rhythm stick and shut your nigger music loving mouths.
hell yeah!
My daddy is in this band. I used to get all his CDs and stuff before anyone alse. But now I don’t. I guess my mummy told him not to. Lol.
I LOVE YOU DADDY! (Incase he ever comes on youtube and sees this XD)
Anika xo