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one. This is found to be true in the Indian concept of the word as well where ka means supreme and together with ar means the ‘supreme light’ or ‘one light’ (arka) and ‘essence’. The ka itself came into being when a person was born and was often depicted as the person’s twin or double. This is of course ancient Egyptian alchemy at play, whereby both the ka and ba must be united to become one and the twin element has come down to us through the centuries in our Tarot cards, fables and of course the twin riders of the Templar symbol.

Because the ba was the personality of the unique individual, it too was unique, whereas the ka, as the life-force was the same for everybody – it was the creative force running through us. The ka itself was made by the god Khnum on a potters wheel – hence it was an energy vortice exactly like the vortices found within the very atom. This energy is required for life and is also raised by the efforts of the processes in the mind – akin to the kundalini chakra – in raising enlightenment. The kings or pharaohs had many ka’s due to their own immortality like the gods. In fact the goal of every individual was to remain united, or fused with the energy of the life-force, ka, and the personality, ba, after death and to join Ra (sun) on his journey of perpetually re-creating creation itself. In this way the individual wanted to return to the creative point, the alpha and omega, at the same time and same place. In essence they wanted to reside in that perfect state. This perfect union comes down to us in the uniting of the three principles require, ba, Ra and ka – baraka.

In fact, this is most likely the reason for mummification after death – to keep the body and the

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