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derived from Old English bleodsian or bletsian meaning to ‘sprinkle with blood’, being derived from the blood rites called Blots and from where we get the term ‘to blot out ones sins.’

The Blot rite is Old English or Old Norse and is even followed today by modern pagans or ‘heathens’. The origins of the rites are supposedly lost, but the term means ‘sacrifice’ or ‘feast.’ The term Blota means ‘to worship’ or ‘to sacrifice’. Indeed in the Hakanor Saga gooa from Heimskringla, Snorri describes how at these Blots, blood was sprinkled on the altar and temple walls, just as they were in Egypt and indeed in the Jewish Temple. In fact there also appears to be an extrovert use of the term for fusion:

“The meaning of the sacrificial feast, as Snorri saw it, is fairy plain. When blood was sprinkled over altars and men and the toasts were drunk, men were symbolically joined with the gods of war and fertility, and with their dead ancestors, sharing their mystical powers. This is a form of communion.” [3]

Again here we see that this union is found with each other in society and not just with the gods:

“When an article of value is passed across the boundary of frith and grasped by alien hands, a fusion of life takes place, which binds men one to another with an obligation of the same character as that of frith himself.” [4]

This is the true offering of the life-source spoken of above and I had one of those wonderful moments of excitement when I realised that the Ark of the Covenant, in-order to ‘work’ properly also had to be sprinkled with blood. It had to in effect have a ka offering. This was the same as the Shroud, which was to

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