my 8th grade math teacher always inspired me and made me believe that i could do doesn`t matter what i want to do in life. she was not long promoted to a high school assistant principal. does anyone know of any stories that i could share with her to inspire, tolerate her know that she’s made a difference…
Help near a story I’m writing for my english class?
I’m writing a story about people with superhuman powers and stipulation a name for the government agency that is trying to keep hold of their abilities a secret. Any suggestions? Government of Secrets (idk) UnderCaped…instead of Undercover… I’m not sure you need an entire agency to contract with this, unless there are…
Help near a story I’m writing…?
What grade would a child be in if they just turned seven surrounded by August? I would probably say first or second grade. Generally when a child is born that late surrounded by the school year the parents would consider holding them back so they’re one of the oldest kids in their class instead of…
Help near a story I’m writing?
Okay, I’m having I’m having issues thinking of names for one of my largest characters. I’m not expecting you to give me an individual name (though you could, if you want) but maybe planning on a website to look or a search to do? I would like a name that’s variety of exotic, but wouldn’t sound TOO…
I just got a really cool idea for a story but for some rationale i fell to a dead end. i feel close to it’ll flow if i can just break down the writer’s block dam and i know it’ll be good! I want something that