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Alexandria- alex for short, her boyfriend got put in a mental hospital and her friends leave her and she get tied up with the wrong people and gets addicted to heroine at 14 and get rapedLiam- alex’s boyfriend who tries to make a suicide attempt and gets put in a mental hospital, he comes rear legs to school…

Help near The Book Thief by, Markus Zusak?
Early in the narration The Book Thief says:When I recollect her, I see a long list of colors, but its the three within which I saw her in the flesh that resonate the most. Sometimes I manage to float far above those three moment. I hang suspended, until a septic truth bleeds toward clarity. Thats…

Help near writing a book?
So, I’ve been really wanting to write a book. I’ve tried everything I can think of, but I just keep hold of getting to a point where I don’t know what would happen next contained by the story.And, also, I REALLY want to write something kind of like Twilight (but without the vampires, please). I close to the…

Help needed for location name contained by my book?
I need names for the following in my book if at all possible please -An all girls highschoolAn all boys highschoolA forestA streetAny ideas would be appreciated :DThank You. Girls:Lucretia Mott High SchoolVictoria Woodhull High SchoolBoys:Omar Bradley High SchoolJohn Wayne High SchoolForest:The GreenswardPine Oak Woods (a legitimate forest on Staten Island)Street:Devon RoadBerkshire Lane(Note: …

Help next to showing not telling ?
Could you tell me if this is showing or telling? It’s just the start of my chapter 3, Thank you xxChapter 3The landing be smooth, apart from

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