Bradbury is how technology is refusal and corrupts society. Can anyone give me a catchy, smart title that grabs the reader’s attention? Fahrenheit 452,
Good teen books next to no discourse? unproblematic 10 points!?
I am looking for some good books for teens that have no language contained by them! thank you so much! 10 pnts!! that have no language in themvery soon what kinda sense does that make? but if you mean no adult dialect, then i would say..’Websters Dictionary Almost adjectives teen books have some…
Good teen books to read?
what should i read after reading and loving the twilight series, the host, the house of night books, the luxe books, the night world books etc?I like vampire books and i saw books call the vampire diaries, vampire academy etc but i don’t know if they’re any good? Try Sarah Dessen’s Books. I love her! i…
Good teen girl books ?
i have read the mates dates series and stuff close to that Twilight. <3 My Sister’s Keep – Jodi Picoult (or any Picoult book)The Vampire Diaries – L.J. SmithGossip Girl Series – Cecily von ZiegesarSisterhood Of The Travelling Pants Series – Ann BrasharesThe Giver – Lois LowryHope this helps! twilight the host x Oldie but…
Good teen romance books?
i rlly like the paranormal/ outcast books, such as twilight and ever night series’s. any ideas?? and please no in low spirits ones like not ending up 2 gether or one of them dying. thanx Anything by Sarah Dessen. She is natural fiction but she is very good!I also really like Tamora Pierce. She focuses more on the made-up…
Good Teen/Young Adult books?
These are the books Ive