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release my life!Good names…

Good tween/teen books?
i am very mature for my age and read at a 10th grade rank. (im only in sixth)i really dont want to read typical sixth grade books, motive apparently they suck, as the normal book-worm me, is about to chuck these books out the window.can someone please bestow me a few ideas? im on my school library’s website and looking…

Good Vampire Books? :)?
i want one that is not that popular like twilight;vampire diaries;trueblood;ectttt but i read twilight im aware of the other 2 i just said and im reading the house of the darkness series and im also aware of vampire academythanks you guys are the best and please no rude comments:) The Vampire Chronicles by Anne RiceVampire Kisses by Ellen…

Good Young Adult Books!?
I love to read I’m in 12 th grade umm I’ve read stuff like Blue bloods, Vampire diaries, vampire academy, dark world series.. Stuff like that I really like and I need some suggestions! Please and Thank You! (: No offense, but it pisses me off that girls squeal over vampires these days. Try mixing it up a bit,…

Good Young Adult or Teen Books?
I need some books to read and i most of the time read young adult. the types of books i close to are girly, sometimes fantasy, sometimes mystery, i would also like some romance. I know it’s weird but i would also approaching something hollywood.PLEASE NO Twilight or Harry Potter * =SeriesMeg Cabot-Pants on fire.Any of her…

Got any cool but wierd name?
im wirting a book and i need more names! but nothing too wird, name like rayne or ewen Bon que queSheniqua:D how

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