aboutNivaraNevaehLillithGreta Source(s): http://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.p… My personal faves:EnigmaCharismaDesdemonaHeroactually i suggest you check out some shakespeare plays for weird and wonderful name. Summer, Arizona, Star, Jonas, Pheonix, Rio, River, Liberty, Rivera. Waleigh for a girl, Oden for…
Got any polite concept for a bridge heading contained by a fiction book?
I’m writing a book and i can’t think of a good name for a bridge. I know it’s kinda stupid exact it’s just a bridge but it’s an important bridge cause the crucial characters parents died on that bridge and you go back to it a lot surrounded by the…
Gothic short story project!?
I have to do a gothic short story, about 2 A4 pages for an english assesment. I enjoy no clue what to write about!Please can somone give a me a really good storyline i.e. not to similar to any famous gothic storys already! Thank you A plot formula can get the old juice flowing! It gives you questions…
please help me i have read the book and watched the motion picture but i havent got a clue!, the question is what is miss havisham compared to and how does this imagery affect the reader ? xx Miss Havisham Character AnalysisMiss Havisham is the owner of Satis House, as all right as Estella’s adoptive mother. She is a little…
Great Expectations:What do you deem of the characters of?
John Wemmick & his father The Aged Parent ? The aged parents is a phrase I love the dual personality.When he is in London, he is all business and a bit gruff. When he is at home within Walworth, he is warm, welcoming, and generous of spirit.From