Boost Your Sexual Aura With Pheromones
Have you heard of pheromones? They are well-documented in the animal kingdom, and for a reason: they control all social interactions, including mating. Pheromones are truly a way of communicating. A way of communicating sadly ignored by most people.
Pheromones are natural scents that animals – and humans, yes! – produce to communicate with each other. More importantly, they can act as potent aphrodisiacs; they can transform you in a dominant male; they can attract people. In other words, they can make you sexually attractive if used right! How exactly do we react to those famous pheromones? Science doesn’t know yet, but it seems to involve the olfactory membranes and the vomeronasal organ. What we are sure, however, is that they do work. After years of research, scientists are now able to reproduce our sexual pheromones so that we can use them in our perfumes and our colognes!
What You Should Know
#1 Albeit powerful – people usually experience more eye contact, more smiles, more flirting… –, pheromones are not magic. No forces will have you sex if you stay cloistered in your apartment, in front of your computer.
#2 Know what you want. Some pheromone products are great for easy sex, alias one-night stands, while others are designed as popularity enhancers. Along these lines, wearing “easy sex” pheromones at work may not be the best idea.
#3 Do not abuse. One or two sprays of pheromones at the right spots – behind your ears, on your wrist, your throat and your chest – are fair enough. Too much will just turn off women. And no women, no sex.
#4 Finally, beware of scams. A lot of products will pretend to contain pheromones when, in fact,
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