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highest functions of civilisation.” 

ABRAHAM LINCOLN –“When I do good, I feel good and when I do badly, I feel bad and that is my religion.” 

ABRAHAM LINCOLN –“You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.”   

ABRAHAN LINCOLN-“ I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.”

ABRAM URBAN –“In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful.”

ABU SA’ID –“The personality absolute, manifest in all creation fine, If thou desire to know of His pervading the universe, the reality and sign, Go! And on the surface of wine observe the bubble, see how the wine is within the bubble and the bubble within the wine.”     

ABU SAID IBNABI ‘L-KHAYR –“Love that One who, when you shall cease to be, will not Himself cease to be, that you may become one who will never cease to be.”         

ABU SULAYMAN AL-DARANI –“When the gnostic’s spiritual eye is opened, his bodily eye is shut: They see nothing but Him.”             

ABU-AT-ALA-AL-MA ‘ARRI –“The world holds two classes of men — intelligent men without religion, and religious menwithout intelligence.” 

ABUL KALAM AZAD –“If we lose Hindu-Muslim unit it would be whole humanity’s loss… Eleven hundred years of common history have enriched India with our common achievements. Our language, our poetry, our literature, our culture, our art, our

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