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awareness, from the grandest to the smallest… As soon as you hem God in, paint a relief, watch Ben Hur, and have Him figured out, you realise He’s something more — much more.”      

Al McGUIRE –“Winning is over emphasised. The only time it is really important is in surgery and war.”  

AL PASINO – “It is easy to fool but it’s hard to feel the heart.”

AL SHARPTON –“Who defines terrorists f Today’s terrorist is tomorrow’s friend.”    

AL SUHRAWARDI –“Music does not give rise in the heart to anything which is not already there: so he whose inner self is attached to anything else than God is stirred by music to sensual desire, but the one who is inwardly attached to the love of God is moved, by hearing music, to do His will… Common folk listen to music according to nature, and novices listen with desire and awe. Listening to music brings to saints vision of Divine gifts and graces… Finally, there is the listening of the spiritually perfect, to whom, through music, God reveals Himself unveiled.”   

AL SUHRAWARDI –“Music does not give rise, m the heart, to anything which is not already there: so he whose inner self is attached to anything else than God is stirred by music to sensual desire, but the one who is inwardly attached to the love of (5od is moved, by hearing music, to do His will…”          

ALAIN RENE LESAGE –“Justice is such a fine thing that we cannot pay too dearly for it.”   

ALAN ALDA –“No man or woman of the humblest sort can really be strong, gentle and good, without the world being better

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