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KALAM –“We should go ahead with the civilian nuclear deal with the US.”      

A P JABDUL KALAM –“There was a majestic scene of Life Tree Cluster of tall and straight Nag Phali grove… Multi-layered, each flower plant bubbling with life, We approached very close! to the happy plants Astonished to see Nature’s wonder… Again the great divine echo enters all around us Flowers blossom, radiate beauty and spread perfume And give honey, On the eve of life Flowers silently fall to the earth, they belong. Oh my creation this is mission of human life You are born, live life of giving  And bond the human life Your mission is the Life Tree. My blessings to you my creation. Oh my human race! Let’s sing the song of creation.”        

A PARTHASARATHY –“There is only one religion which is the soul of Christianity or Islam; Buddhism or Hinduism or whatever it be. It is that by which you gain the ultimate experience. The experience into which merge all distinctions of caste, colour and creed, all doctrines and dogmas, your body, mind and intellect, time, space and causation, this world and all other imaginary worlds. Any systematic attempt which you undertake to reach that infinite state of being is religious.”

A SCHWEITZER –“One truth stands firm. All that happens in the world history rests on something spiritual. If the spiritual is strong, it creates world history. If it is weak, offers world history.”   

A TENNYSON –“That each, who seems a separate whole/ Should move his rounds, and fusing all/ The skirts of self again, should fall/ Remerging in the general Soul.”  


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