Timo , SlimBob , Berosh, Martha’s Vineyard, MA., Pagans, jamming, music, live, guitars, chilmark, duo, party, nancy cronkite, hanging around after the bbq. playing music
Video Rating: 5 / 5
The first independent and free Pagan Parade outside of London. A ground breaking day for Pagans to come together in Nottingham arboretum with good music, wholesome food and great company. I dressed as the Tarot Fairy, Shiverz as a female Cernunnos, Piratemoo as a faun. The band playing at the end is “Seas of Mirth”. They were awesome. Singing about giant crabs! Other vloggers: Shiverz -www.youtube.com Moo – www.youtube.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5
sounds great!
Those safety yellow vests are bad ass.
Thanks a lot for taking time to comment. Its was a great day and I cant wait for next year!
hiya guys, I was at this event,
I was wearing the purple flower headband, & my boyfriend Fizz was a marshal… we were holding hands alot, while marching, hehe
x fantastic video. lol
( I’m Binky on facebook)
THANK YOU so much! I appreciate you stopping by and taking time out to watch. I hope many more come from this too. It was an amazing day.
THANK YOU so much! I appreciate you stopping by and taking time out to watch. I hope many more come from this too. It was an amazing day.
Congrats from the USA!!! And I hope you have many more. Many Blessings. )o(
@JPa311979 THANKS! Yep that was a representation of my third eye, well spotted!
The domed building is the town hall of Nottingham in the square.
Nice wings! Is that supposed to be a third eye on your head? What was that domed structure behind the rail cars 0:42?