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in the book Blood in the Face: The Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, Nazi Skinheads, and the Rise of a New White Culture by James Ridgeway.
Rice has responded to accusations of fascism by stating:
I’ve always done everything at my disposal to avoid labeling what I do, or to avoid being labeled myself… To be beyond any existing classification has always pleased me. Unfortunately, I have learned over the years that when you refuse to be categorized, there’s a world full of people (all entirely less well qualified) who are only too eager to pigeonhole what you do or think. That the pigeonholing is generally more a reflection of what they think, or assume, is fairly obvious The will to label will always prevail over what’s being labeled, usually at the expense of either truth or understanding… I have never made any secret of any of my thoughts or areas of interest. I’ve always been honest, open, and upfront. I have never pretended to be a nice guy, because I’m not. It’s fairly impossible to remain true to oneself and still be a “nice guy.” Similarly, only people as misanthropic as myself can be counted on not to have to lie to others, since we have the unique luxury of not caring what sort of opinions others formulate about us… When all is said and done, I have no great quarrel with being labeled a “fascist.” While it is not the whole story, it implies (to me) a sort of Marquis De Sade worldview that sees life in terms of master and slave, strong and weak, predator and prey. I know such views are highly unfashionable, but to me they seem fairly consistent with what I’ve seen to be true. If others choose to see the world in terms of sugar, spice and everything nice, that’s certainly their prerogative, and I would never dream of trying to tell them

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