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irrelevant as the reality is all that matters. When pressed, “insights” might be forwarded, but when examined, the material drawn from is usually quite spurious or of uncertain origins. At one time, some “saying” may be forwarded that has been handed down through the family, or, at another time, some catchy phrase from a song or movie – or something they ran across that happened to “strike a chord.” Humanism, as a mental discipline, is dedicated to accumulating these opinions of man and seeks to assess and categorize them. In its mature form, Humanism boasts of its sciences, but these are the “soft” social sciences of man’s metaphysical pursuits. Things like Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, etc. These studies are actually social observations, measures and assessments. The word, “science” should be reserved for the “hard sciences” of Naturalism – Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Biology, and the like.

When Humanistic values conflict with Naturalism or Theism, the Humanist chooses Humanism. But, if there is objective science (which there is) and if there is a valid Theism (which, based upon Jesus’ resurrection, there is), to then choose human opinion over either of these is an embrace of the most shallow and weakest of all human thought. Humanists occupy themselves in a kiddie pool. The most substantive abode they can construct beside this kiddie pool is a lean-to. Here are a few examples of the Bible’s assessment of Humanism. “A fool does not delight in understanding, but only in revealing his own mind (airing his own opinions)” (Pr 18:2). “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Pr 14:12). “Your memorable sayings are proverbs of ashes, your

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