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The highlights and benefits of spiritual healing treatment of addiction:

• Minimal cost – cost is mainly in terms of time invested and regularity of effort and for rock salt

• Very low incidence of withdrawal symptoms

• The spiritual practice increases the tolerance due to increase in sattvikta in the person

• Increases our spiritual energy and defense systems against the ghost/departed ancestor thus the person is able to give up the addictive habit immediately

• It works both as a treatment to cure addictions and as a preventive mechanism and it takes care of addiction formation as well as relapse too.

• The parents can take these 3 steps as a preventive measure while planning to have a baby. Bringing up the child in as sattvik an environment as possible and introducing the child to spiritual practice since early childhood will also help as a preventive measure.

• As a preventive measure for people who are not currently addicted

The factors critical for success are

1. Regularity in spiritual practice of the 3 step spiritual treatment

2. An intense desire to quit addiction

3. Strong willpower to do so

4. Faith in a Higher Power and spiritual practice helps to accelerate the healing process.

Bottom line
Spiritual research on addiction shows that the spiritual dimension has a monopoly on the root causes of addiction and without taking the spiritual dimension into account, people trying to assist in rehabilitation of addicts can only have limited success.

For more information, please visit –

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