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control, are profane, unappreciative and ignorant (without the working and experimental knowledge of truth that accompanies blessed release) and can not understand or relate to its potent principles.

Feel the intensity of sacred breath flowing rhythmically through your body. You are not to pretend to  speak intelligently of divinity as it moves slowly through you, “…therefore do not cast thy pearl before swine….” (Paraphrased). Keep silent. Remember: you must continuously crucify the monkey mind with all its incessant meanderings and problem causing ways. Subdue it as you would a poisonous snake. Bring it under submission as a trained tiger will yield to its Master’s whip and authoritative commands. It will try to convince you that these little exercises are pointless and crazy. Do not carelessly speak of sacred things to others without being immediately willing to act on them. Keep your breath union magical practices secret and without the mocking eye of others to comment upon. Here goes an introduction.

The time most conducive to getting in tune with the sacred sequenced tempo of your divine breath is when you are in the shower or bath. Also, just prior to falling asleep, make a concerted effort to remove anxious thoughts, by emphasizing the breathing pattern. It will become natural and convenient with practiced awareness. Early in the morning, before arising a special savored fragrance of breath emits, unlike any other time. When you feel yourself growing agitated, restless, fearful, bored or most especially disgruntled, increase your breathing pattern to the point of being able to hear it exaggerated. Inhale the beauty of the calming breath’s fragrance. [slowly and sensually]

Pay astute attention to the sound of your

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