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ATTENTION!! I DO NOT CLAIM TO OWN ANY OF THE MUSIC OR PHOTO’S SEEN AND PLAYED ON THESE VIDEOS. THEY ARE PROPERTY OF THE PEOPLE THAT MADE THEM. Lyrics: [Cassadaga, oh yeah, that’s where you’re going to find the center of energy. And they’ve got those in Arizona too. You know, there’s, I know that there’s wonderful grounds that have vortexes. That you might be interested in going to. And the go to Nevada. And then go to California. And then come south and go back through Arizona. And go through Texas. You know what I’m saying? Getting rid of the old feelings of the old ways. And, you know, it’s kind of like with people and the tarot cards. Just because you get the Death card doesn’t mean death or dying. It means transformation. It means changing things around… Cause I was pulling in on a, on a ….. Somehow I get the impression that you’re almost a little afraid to start the trip. It doesn’t have to be a straight line happy face. But make kind of a happy face, I mean kind of a smile. Go up, up the east coast, but it’s gonna be a circle. You know what I’m saying? It’s gonna be a sloppy circle. Don’t be afraid. Years and years and years ago, you know, you might, You might have come across some river and rock and the mountains or whatever. And then when you get there maybe you’ll have the answers you seek. We have moved into a new era and life as we know it is changing. Your relationships, career, and location will all be subject with an energy. Allow me to share with you

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