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even further.

I am to shake the ground in two years time and all your hard work in your pagan history will be destroyed.  I am come down to shake you little nation for much evil is entering into the borders.  Much evil towards women and children.  I, Myself, am to stop this.  Yes, I, the LORD am to shake and shake you little isle of Britain.

No one will be able to get neither into your nation nor out.

You are blind and you are in need of Me, Jesus to place my spit and put mud upon your eyes.  Only I can take your blindness away.

Your leaders of once a bright beacon of hope in My Church are disgusting now in My eyes.  I cannot bear that you forge alliances with gods that are no gods.  It is worse than lukewarm.  The acidic waters running through this once clean land are to produce sores and tumours to your people because of your sin.

You have not fed or housed the poor.  You have not stood on the Truth of Christ.  Your kings and queens mix falsehood with Truth and you bow down to them as gods.

Oh, yes, once glorious nation all is to change.


Will I find faith when I return very soon?

Yes, I am coming soon, but first I come to shake and separate the wheat from the chaff.  I send my messengers from Heaven to do My bidding.

I, the LORD speak the Truth, I do not lie.

Yes! The LORD am to shake and split and separate.


The Lord gave me this message:
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”

“O Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!”

The Lord replied, “Don’t say, ‘I’m too young,’ for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said,

“Look, I have put my words in your mouth!
Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms. Some you must uproot and tear down,destroy and overthrow. Others you must build up and plant.”

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