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Oi oi oi skinhead boy
Video Rating: 3 / 5

25 Responses to BroadKasT

  • maneggl says:

    Hitler was teabagged by Stalin.

  • punknsking77 says:

    joder k puto asco kien coño se cren estas zorras d mierda…ni m imagino como seran sus padre. Y el oi! es antifascista no debe salir de las sucias bocas d unas nazis d mierda.

  • hixson847 says:

    no oi no oi

  • berata45 says:

    @Tomeeli13127 14/88 14 = the 14 words we must secure an existence for our people and a future for white children 88= Heil Hitler or in some uses the 88 precepts by david lane

  • Supersaiiyin says:

    @Tomeeli13127 @Tomeeli13127 it stands for this 14 word slogan that white supremacists feel is sacred: “we must secure the existence of our race and a future for white children” a famous white supremacist coined that phrase but i dont remember his name

  • Ardillabellotera says:

    Tipico caso de ignorancia marginal, no importa del color que seas, esto es basura, pobres chicas, seguro sus padres hicieron de sus vidas un infierno

  • Ardillabellotera says:

    Tipico caso de ignorancia marginal, no importa del color que seas, esto es basura, pobres chicas, seguro sus padres hicieron de sus vidas un infierno

  • Tomeeli13127 says:

    Why 14 ? 88 = Heil Hitler but 14 ?

  • TheUraniumIndex says:

    Those girls are racist. Why? WHY???

  • LADYYMO says:

    This is some bull right here ohh yeahh their parents did a great ass job put this shitt in they head!!!!

  • EllysaE says:


  • sixxmany says:

    This is so wrong. What kind of parents bring up their children to think in this kind of manner?

  • DUSTY1373 says:

    love the music..but…the message is rough 🙁

  • ttravenfan1 says:

    Oy gevalt. XD

  • IPWNALL427 says:


  • GodPirate says:

    This shit sucks, if it wasn’t for their hateful messages i would have never stumbled upon their shitty music. Literally, it suck. And i usually like racist music. before you say anything im Spanish and just like to have a good laugh at ignorance some days when im feelings blue. PRUSSIAN BLUE! shitty ballsack music.

  • schutchy says:

    @theshow201 there is nothing wrong with my grammar. you are a dickhead.

  • theshow201 says:

    @schutchy Learn some grammar.

  • 138davey says:

    i could insult theses girls …but its not there fault they were brain washed..i wish no harm upon them but for jesus to lay his hand o n them and show them hatred is not the way…this video is sad..i hang my head and cry…i am a proud skinhead a traditional one…not a faciast nor a sharp…in my opinion one is as bad as the other…both equal hate groups

  • schutchy says:

    @CarlosMenstealia HAHAHAHAHAHAA, are you kidding. JEWS will be destroyed once and for all. JEWS will never rise because we all hate you. GIVE palestine back to the RIGHTFULL OWNERS instead of stealing there land.

  • Jesse8501 says:

    Like most “white racists”, these gals level their critics

  • enzogta says:

    Long Life South America
    Middle East


  • worshiperofrock says:

    pretty messed up, but i’d still fuck them…

  • dragon8814 says:

    These girls make me want to cry,they have truly been raised properly,and I stand up and proudly hail their parents and I would love nothing more than for my son to grow up and marry a beautiful aryan princess like these young ladies!!!

  • CarlosMenstealia says:

    Jewish will rise again and take over Russia.

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