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Bunco Babes Just Want to Have Fun Part 2

Summer has arrived … kids are out of school, schedules are disrupted, it’s going to get hot … and bunco babes still want to have fun! Now more than ever! There is nothing better than a bunco party to look forward to during the summer months. After days of listening to “I’m bored … he did it … it’s too hot … can I have ALL my friends over? …” a bunco babe will count down to some adult/girl time just for her and her friends. Are you ready to head to someone’s wonderfully air conditioned home, or a party by the pool just for the girls? Then let’s get back to business, making sure all is taken care of for the party so you can all have fun on that bunco party night.

If you read Part 1 of Bunco Babes Just Want to Have Fun at you have learned about finding 12 festive friends, scheduling bunco night, and planning upcoming parties. What’s next?

Be Prepared

Have a bunco box prepared. Each person in your group can have one, or you can have one for the group, which travels to the next hostess’s home at the end of the night. This box should contain: 9 six-sided dice, 1 fuzzy traveling die, score pads, a bell (cow bell is popular), 12 writing utensils, and tally paper. While the traveling box is a great idea, you may find that soon veryone will be having their own box so they can play the game at home with other friends for scattered gatherings not on the schedule. Separate boxes are also better if the 12 bunco babes live far apart, in case the next scheduled hostess ends up sick or unable to host the next party, and she needs to find a substitute or trade months with someone.


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