BURDENS: Life’s Genuine Enthusiastic Bliss!
MODE Of Cosmic Therapy: The Esoteric Method “Cutting Through The Bull”
What does a burden mean to you? Does it represent an act of resistance to a ‘favor’ being asked? Does it imply an unnecessary duty prescribed? Do you consider it the worry and concern you feel for another’s welfare? Does it invoke an unpleasant reaction to having to be around an unlikable person whom you are being subjected to? Does it involve the feeling of being used, abused, taken for granted or abandoned in some manner? Is the idea of not receiving enough respect a burden to you? Does it occur when you feel your personal space being invaded? Or would it represent a person, place or thing that you feel restricts you or holds you back in some way? Are you bursting at the seams to get away for awhile? (Simply, because you are under too much stress with overloaded problems (causing undue burdens)?} Is a burden some object or situation you merely don’t like, prefer or feel uncomfortable in? Do you automatically assume a burden is produced when someone asks you to do something in the midst of already being overworked, obligated and congested with a list of things to do? Do you feel burdened when you are sick, tired, and drained from tedious matters that don’t seem to go away?
Could it possibly be that these so-called burdens are the result of guilt, remorse, and regret you have carried over from manipulating problematic circumstances you in fact invoked? In other words, are you still needing to ‘try to’ make right a situation, event or break-up that can’t and won’t ever be resolved to your satisfaction?
Contemplate what the word burden