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A music video of Burning times by Inkubus Sukkubus and some quotes from “We are not evil. We don’t harm or seduce people. We are not dangerous. We are ordinary people like you. We have families, jobs, hopes, and dreams. We are not a cult. This religion is not a joke. We are not what you think we are from looking at TV. We are real. We laugh, we cry. We are serious. We have a sense of humor. You don’t have to be afraid of us. We don’t want to convert you. And please don’t try to convert us. Just give us the same right we give you–to live in peace. We are much more similar to you than you think.”- Margot Adler “I don’t think witchcraft is a religion. I would hope the military officials would take a second look at the decision they made.”- George W. Bush Burning Times Music: Burning Times by Inkubus Sukkubus All quotes: Thanks to 657696060799 for the music! PS as of 4/8/10 I found A comment on the video from a Catholic, and He/ She said that they were proud to be Catholic. And as I always do, I felt bad that they did not recieve the intended message/ moral of the video, and so I said to him: It is great that you are Catholic! The video’s purpose is not to degrade your faith, although I can entirely see how it does. The video shows how religion can be a bad thing, just as it may cause much good. It shows what hatred and other such things can do, and what devastation they will cause. When I made the video, the intention was to
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Burning Times

  • DraculHemming says:

    @tas294 Sex is a natural, pure, and wonderful thin, not some taboo like modern society has made it out to be. It doesn’t matter if its between a man and woman, two women, two men, or even three men and four women so long as they are well-informed consented beings, sex is sacred and natural. Sex isn’t all about reproduction like most if not all Christians have tried to make it out to be.

  • tas294 says:

    @DraculHemming Let me ask you this then it is normal for a male and a female to have sex yes. If the male or female started to have sex with the same gender it would be abnomal or a deviance from normal sexual reproduction.btw I know my morals very well and do fallow them.

  • DraculHemming says:

    @tas294 (also, if you want to take this to messages to make conversing a bit easier (due to CAPTCHAs and the 500 character limit, its cool. I wouldn’t mind that really.

  • DraculHemming says:

    @tas294 Sexual deviances and lack of moral. That’s one thing I can’t stand is hearing the same thing of homosexuals or bisexuals or whatever having no morals and what not. I think people like that really need to think about what morals are and figure out how good their own morals are before criticizing another’s morals. As for what I was before I became Wiccan, I was a Christian. Baptist denomination. Started about 6 years ago at the start of high school, and left at the start of last year.

  • tas294 says:

    @DraculHemming No hate is family value,there is nothing wrong to hate hersey,to hate sin, to hate the evil this world no hate is very much a family value.And no it is not grace but sexual devences and lack of moral that gays find one another.But on another note what were you before wicca.

  • DraculHemming says:

    @tas294 It is by grace that a homosexual can find a person that they are willing to spend the rest of their life with. I don’t need the grace of your angered god. Your god says that hate and working on sunday is wrong. I doubt he’s right there. I’ll stick with my faith in Wicca sooner than I will ever go back to praising and worshiping your god.

  • tas294 says:

    @DraculHemming yes I believe the holy church stand on gays is clear, if you do you will fall from grace. I believe god can and most very likely will tell you what is right and what is wrong and to say that even a perfect being like god can’t jugde you well that hurbis.

  • DraculHemming says:

    @tas294 Fall from grace… working on a sunday will cause one to fall from grace? loving other of the same sex will cause you to fall from grace. That just proves it. Christians have no idea what actual grace is. And who is your god to say who is wrong or misleading? No one. He can’t tell us which belief is right or wrong. That is the decision of the individual, not some made-up figurehead of a lying religion.

  • tas294 says:

    @DraculHemming Free will implies that you are free to make your own choices the bible say no you shouldn’t do that because that will lead to your fall of grace.You can choose to ignore this or not that your free will.And for your question because we have free will people can choose on what they what to belive even thoght it wrong or missleading

  • DraculHemming says:

    @tas294 Free will? There’s a laugh. He claims its free will and then says you can’t do this you can’t feel that and what not. Its kind of like my old high school. We didn’t have a Uniform code but we couldn’t wear as we wanted, it was a “Strict Dress Code”. Same with your god, a “Strict Will Code” which is pathetic. Let me ask, if Christianity is as wonderful as it is, wouldn’t the majority of the world be Christian instead of only 1/3?

  • tas294 says:

    @DraculHemming vengeful dictator?Tell me what vengeful dictator would give his subjects free will? And 7 million people in one year sound like a heathy growth to me.

  • DraculHemming says:

    @tas294 Yes you may have the most, but you are not gaining as many people anymore or are losing followers. And no, it isn’t the Horned One you worship either. After all, the Lord would not be such a vengeful dictator like your god is.

  • tas294 says:

    @DraculHemming Outpaced by who? we have 2.1 billion people and no we do not worship the horned one as you call it

  • DraculHemming says:

    @tas294 Christianity has already been outpaced. Its a failed religion who fails to recognize the true creator of everything, instead focusing on only worshiping the Lord and not the Lady. Its the reason why Christianity had to force its religion down other throats in the past, and why its slowly coming to a decline today.

  • tas294 says:

    @anto975 the Native-Americans never advance to the stage in which they could make books.I would pick a the histoy of church paved in trail and error then the Native-American do the same thing and never advance past making fire.

  • tas294 says:

    @DraculHemming Specifically, the number of Wiccans more than doubled from 2001 to 2008, from 134,000 to 342,000, and the same held true for neo-pagans, who went from 140,000 in 2001 to 340,000 in 2008. So yes you have the fastest growing but we dont need a higher percent to out pace you.

  • DraculHemming says:

    @tas294 And what of more recent statistics, such as within the past couple of years?

  • tas294 says:

    @DraculHemming Yes by percent because one of your is a higher percent then one of mine but in 2007 christianity has gain between 7-8 million people while pagans was at 8,000 in 1990 to 134,000 in 2001.

  • DraculHemming says:

    @tas294 Yeah, because the crazy fundie christians are trying to force it down others throats. The number one growing religion today is actually Wicca, while I’ve checked the standards, Christianity has been declining.

  • tas294 says:

    @DraculHemming No not really we have 1 billion and we are growing in africa and asia

  • dimirah says:

    Fuck u Jewish u should have another adolfo hitler to repeat the burn of ur butts

  • AvalonDraconis says:

    @amoleman Most scholars today (from every religion or atheist) agree that the numbers are around 50,000 – 150,000 killed during the “Burning Times”. It wasn’t just “witches” either who died. Gays, Jewish, and people who just were not liked or thought “strange” were also killed. Men were also killed as well. It was common back then that you could be accused of witchcraft just because you pissed someone off.

  • amoleman says:

    @DraculHemming Can I also have the source which says she is a Christian, please. 🙂 All I know is that she lectures English at Oxford University.

  • amoleman says:

    @DraculHemming As a matter of fact, because she is an academic you’ll notice that her book, which is my local library, doesn’t reference her own religious beliefs. She references her sources and tells the picture as painted by most academia. My housemate who’s just finished his degree in History says that the claims that thousands of ‘witches’ burned is not accurate.

  • amoleman says:

    @DraculHemming It doesn’t seem it’s affecting her scholarship though.

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