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Question by Jacey: Can a dry spell when you’re used to daily sexual activity cause acne?
My current boyfriend is a virgin. Up until I started dating him, I had sex relatively frequently and I had perfect skin. I haven’t had sex in two months, and my skin started breaking out about a month and two weeks ago, roughly.

Can a lack of sex be the cause of this?
I really want information about it

Best answer:

Answer by akire44
ive never heard of that but maybe its stress because youre not having sex. other than that i dont think lack of sex could cause it

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

3 Responses to Can a dry spell when you’re used to daily sexual activity cause acne?

  • Smokinokie says:

    What you doin Saturday night?

  • starseden31 says:

    haha sounds silly but i had the same thing happen and asked the dr this same question and yes…sex makes your skin look better ..LOL.

  • Yogesh G says:

    Skin erruptions sare normally caused by hormonal changes, aggrevated by stress.
    Its not the lack of sex, its going from good sexual relationship to no sex could cause breaking out of skin.
    If you can live without sex for another 4 months, you body wil get used to living without sex and the skin will return to normal.
    Its your choice and decision..

    By the way sex is good for your skin anyway and health. It makes you relax, increase your blood circulation..

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