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Question by tilda: Can anyone give me a good tip for memorizing the tarot cards meanings?
I’ve been practicing daily, but that’s a lot of cards to memorize and could use some help.

Best answer:

Answer by Kristy
I’ve been doing them for years and still need my book. It just takes time. Kinda feels like school huh.

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13 Responses to Can anyone give me a good tip for memorizing the tarot cards meanings?

  • bearlet3 says:

    tarot cards are a load of hogwash!

  • registrations001 says:

    Every card can have several meanings. Forget it – it takes years of working with tarot cards.

  • John E. Smokes says:

    Mainworthy can paste a long-winded answer to this one, but only if his ego is coaxed.

    Practice, practice and more practice.

  • vidamc2 says:

    yes here is a tip DON’T they are a tool of the devil and I would not mess with them There is nothing real about them
    Just my opinion

  • misstressmars says:

    I love to read the cards. If you lay them out face up in order and look at their meanings next to each other, you’ll start to see trends. For instence, The Cusp of Cups leans toward the relationship sides, and Wands toward business. It isn’t always the case, but it will help you learn many of them rather quickly. Then the reversed meaning is the opposite. Use your cards daily. AFter some time, you’ll know them well.

  • jacartamonkey says:

    Just make it up as you go along!
    Everyone else did.

    I just love: A tool of the devil, but not “real”.
    Which is it?
    let me guess.. you aren’t in law school are you honey.

  • stikgirl says:

    Stay away from them.They are forms of witchcraft and you are playing with the devil! GET AWAY FROM THEM!

  • Erin says:

    My suggestion is to go day by day with each individual card, keeping your book handy. Each day take a different card and study it. Look at all the details in the card. What are your impressions based on the image? Maybe you can meditate on the card. When you have a solid impression in your mind, go to your book and read what the meaning is. How close to the book’s description are your impressions? If you were off from what the book is telling you, take another look at the card. Do your impressions change? If so, you may need to spend more time with the card to understand it’s meaning. If your impressions do not change after having read the description, then do not follow what the book says. If you spend enough time with them, you can form a relationship with your cards and the meanings of each card are personal to you, and therefore accurate for you.

  • dark_firmament says:

    The meaning of cards is open to conjecture. One person will say that one card means this, another will say it means that. I have been reading for years and I still get stumped from time to time. All I can say is practice! sorry 🙁 It sounds terrible, but it’s true. I usually get that the kings and queens of any suit represent people rather than situations. Try the book below, it may help or see if a shop near you is holding a class .

  • seraphina75 says:

    I’ve been trying to do the same thing for years. Cards can have different meanings in different positions, so it’s almost impossible to keep the meanings straight. I keep my book handy and reference it as needed. It can be a pain, but it’s the easiest way, for me, personally, to do an accurate reading.

    Ignore the hellfire and brimstone, they crave attention.

  • Joolz says:

    It helps to write down the associations, there are very clear patterns to the cards. Seperate out the major arcana cards as they tell a story in their own right, so study them for a while.

    Then look at the suits and their characteristics:
    All things of an earthly nature; health, physical body, career, money, possessions etc.

    Mind, thoughts, ideas, intellect, mental clarity. Often symbolises difficulties.

    Action, will, drive, creativity and spirit.

    Emotion, feeling, psychic ability, spiritual belief.

    Some numbers show a trend throughout the suits. Five is always a negative number, where as six is always a positive card.

    Generally it helps to go through each suit, number by number and write it all down as you go (writing it down helps it sink in better).

    It’s worth getting a tarot pack with a clear story through out. The Mythic Tarot Deck by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene is good for this. They also do a book which correlates directly with that tarot deck, which should help understand the imagery.

    Other than that, use them frequently and after a while you’ll find you need the books less and less.

  • Licinius says:

    First off, the meanings that are traditionally ascribed to tarot cards are only the baseline for understanding what each card means. So, my first suggestion is that once you’ve read through whatever tarot book you’re reading then just toss it out.

    Tarot is not something that is best approach by static meaning. It is a symbolic system that is highly open to interpretation (depending on the deck you’re using). Look at the images, and what do they evoke within you? Let your intuition be your guide.

    The best thing to do would be to look at the cards as if it were a window. Visualize yourself in that space and then talk to the person who is in there. Let the presence of the card speak to you and let them tell you what you need to know. Additionally you can look at the minor arcana in sets by numbers. That will really open your eyes to some of the meanings in there.

  • hayabusalvr11 says:

    I too still have to refer back to my notes now and then. Some meanings stick better than others.

    I wouldn’t let that worry you. As you give more readings, you’ll get better; it’ll just take time.

    I don’t see any shame in having to have a reference handy.

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