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Question by littlestar: Can anyone help me interperate this layered dream concerning a shaman?
In my dream, I was outside on a warm summer night on the lawn of my parent’s new house with my very skeptical brother in law. He told me that he believes that I am a fairy. I was confused and he told me he thought I had “fairy-like” qualities. While he told me this we watched a large brown owl perched to the right side me about 2 feet away. My brother-in-law proceeded to tell me that the owl was connected to me. The owl stared at me for a long time, never leaving it’s gaze of me. We regarded each other. Then my 4 brothers took me to an Native American shaman. My brother told him that I was a “seer” and that I was in touch with the “other” side. The healer took out a cardboard rectangle that had a color wheel on it. He got out a “pipe looking” object that could be placed on one of the colors. My brother told him that my color should be set on Indigo but the shaman told him that i was “green”. Then I was asked to explain all my interactions with the metaphysical world.

Best answer:

Answer by DRAAGON
wishful thinking

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2 Responses to Can anyone help me interperate this layered dream concerning a shaman?

  • Lucid Interrogator says:

    There IS a Dream Interpretation board y’know.
    You don’t need to post these questions in the R&S board where they’ll vanish off the bottom of the page within moments….

    … And by the way…. after careful analysis of your dream description…. I conclude that you are probably gay.

  • SC says:

    What a fascinating and creative dream; I applaud your subconscious.

    Symbols in dreams can have deep personal or cultural significance – or both. Only the dreamer can ever know if an interpretation is accurate (by that aHa! feeling), and even a skilled dreamer will not be able to see ALL the possible correct interpretations for a complex image or sequence; no one is that self aware. But one can

    * study the diverse and sometimes conflicting meaning of symbols in your dream, in your own and in other cultures;

    * consider the personal associations which each symbol brings to mind;

    * examine the dream by various techniques, including
    + writing the narrative,
    + drawing or painting the image or storyline,
    + writing first-person narratives AS a particularly central symbol which is not your self image, e.g. write the dream narrative as the healer, as each of your brothers, as the owl, as even inanimate objects; all of them are you, anyway 🙂

    I would advise against taking as fixed the meaning of any symbol, no matter how authoritatively any reference or symbol or dream dictionary insists it “always” means X. Personal meaning can override cultural meaning; if one always went east at end of workday, east could come to have a personal meaning of ending, or going home, or something else, rather than dawn or beginnings or such.

    I would be polite to anyone who tells you what your dream means – but skeptical. Interpretation says more of the one speaking than of what or whom they speak.

    Here are some resources on dream interpretation from an author/teacher I appreciate, Jeremy Taylor.

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