Question by j_d_barrow: Can someone point me in the right direction for Books and websites about Shamanism?
Best answer:
Answer by Nightwind
Shamanism isn’t something that can be learned in a book. It’s a position within a tribe or culture, for one. Someone can practice magic or speak to spirits but not be a shaman. Part of being a shaman is representing the tribe to the spirits. Learning comes rom experience, the spirits, and other shamans. Tribes generally consider it something you are, not something you adopt. It’s a state of being, not a job, often brought about by specific events (often traumatic).
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I’ve read a lot about shamanism over the years, but it was some time ago. I can recommend:
‘ Shanar’ by Sayan Zhambalov, Virlana Tkacz, Wanda Phipps, and Dashinima Dugarov.
‘Shamanism, Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy’ by Mircea Eliade.
A general, but extensive list can be found at this link:
There are several books that may be of use; go to and click on the “shamanism” category on the left sidebar.
Be aware that you can’t learn traditional shamanism this way.