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Question by .: Can studying Metaphysics and ancient philosphy warp your mind?
That stuff is pretty deep ya know? Can studying it extensively cause one to question life, the world and such in such a deep manner that it causes said one to become reclusive? What do you think? Have you experienced this before?
Of course their is nothing wrong with occassional deep thinking, but can some people take it too far?

Best answer:

Answer by Taxi Driver
yes, when I was in my teens, I first discovered nature way of saying hello. I put my headphones on and listen to pink floyd and drew pictures for months. Some of the best days of my youth, exploring my inner self. But a time came to leave the house, literally, I was out of Pepsi and sweet tarts.

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11 Responses to Can studying Metaphysics and ancient philosphy warp your mind?

  • Laemarc E says:

    studying of those sciences of course can make you question things about life, I guess it depends on the control of the person in his mind… some people tend to find answers and end up adding more questions to the one question they’re trying to find thus, they became elusive, and dark, they begin to not trust things from outside… sometimes the quote “somethings are better left untouched and forgotten..” is just a way to save people who are weak at mind and heart..

  • Hugh says:

    it can free your mind, our mind are already warped by indoctrination of politics, media, corporate propaganda, and social fear and hatred of our cultures and backgrounds.

    To become awake, and aware, will undoubtedly separate us from the pack of blissfully ignorant people. as humans we just want to fit in.

  • micropreemiemommy says:

    I think it is great to exercise your mind with that sort of deep thought. Of course it will bring up questions that we humans do not like to face, and some people may react in a reclusive way, but not everyone.

  • Daryl Jay says:

    I don’t know.

  • David B says:

    Yes. Metaphysics and most philosophy can warp your mind. Most of the philosophical ideas are out of favor, especially the old ones. No one believes in those ways anymore. If you actually admit to believing in something silly like Platonism, you will be all alone and an outcast. You will have no choice but to become a recluse. Be smart, don’t start. Study ethics and epistemology. Forget about all the rest of that “sad trash.”

  • observer212 says:

    Of course not don’t be ridiculous. Your mind will not be warped. The study of these subjects will not make you reclusive but it might make other people find you dull leading them to shun your company.

  • Ed says:


    Generally speaking, your topic question ranks right up there with all of the other topics you have ever studied in your life time.

    If in deed, the study of other, or closely related topics, that were “deep” caused you to question life and the world …you have been blessed.

    One can not seriously study anything without being changed in some degree.

    For example, if you want to go to a college or university to learn a new skill or profession that you do not currently have before you enter …

    when you come out of that or any other institution you are changed because you now have a new skill or understanding to share with the world.

    Reclusive? Perhaps.

    Most University students, who study deep stuff usually like it (!) and survive to be paid for it for the rest of their lives, for the most part.

    I have observed students (including myself) that were at least temporally reclusive …for a few years until they graduated.

    So, yes I have experienced this before and lived to profit and to lived tell about it.

    If you enjoy it, study it. If you can study it and get paid for it also it will become a great joy for you.

    Bless you in your studies of metaphysics and philosophy.

  • gym j says:

    no, what you speak of is truth and opens the mind up . my fav is Pythagoras and the Quadrivium ,Plato and ancient mathematics such as Vedic Geometry the Mayans were also brilliant mathematicians and astronomers, the ancients knew quite abit, and were not lost walloing around in supersition,

  • johnfantoni says:

    As you study different and deep subjects you have to keep an open mind to all things in this world. I would agree that a person of weak moral and family upbringing may be persuaded to change, but one must deal with life and all its problems rationally in order to exist. I hope that I have made my point clear Everything must be kept in context.

  • kcchaplain says:

    I’ve studied both areas, and never have I been tempted to become a recluse. If anything, I wanted to go out and talk to others about the things I was studying.

  • evan says:

    No. There is nothing wrong with studying this deeply, any more than any other subject. Deep study sometimes cuases you to withdraw for a time. So what? You can be in this world but not of it. Look at Jesus. Look at the Dali Lama, look at Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson studied philosophy extremely deeply, especially the Ancients and he turned out alright and founded the United States as well.
    There is a time for everything. If you find you are extremely interested in studying it and other things fall away for a time…so what? It happens when you fall in love too, you “drop out” and no one thinks that is a problem. And no one could say that Plato, or Rumi or any other ancient lost their mind, can they? If they all feared study would “warp” them – the world would be a much different place and it would be a great loss and in fact, the United States wouldn’t even exist today. Do what makes you happy. Do it for you and not for anyone else. You will only become warped if you believe that is what will happen. Reason would dictate that losing your mind while studying the Ancients is not a probability. Knowledge is a good thing and self knowledge is the best knowledge. Question everything!

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