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Question by Not Of This World – N.O.T.W –: Can we really call same sex marriages “Sacred marriage”?
understanding that the only sacred union or marriage is between a man and a woman!
I’m not talking about any statistics in particular but marriage by itself

Best answer:

Answer by chippyreturns
Oh you mean your God that is a God of love doesnt approve of love between 2 men or 2 women?


I would say that a marriage between 2 men or 2 women that love eachother, and will always be there for eachother, is more sacred than that of 2 christians who end up divorcing after their first child.

edit: so people seriously think its better that 2 people have a child and divorce than it is for a man to love another man or woman to love another woman? that is incredibly disappointing.

Add your own answer in the comments!

35 Responses to Can we really call same sex marriages “Sacred marriage”?

  • God says:

    Why do you have to call it sacred?

  • Darwin says:

    Sure, why not? It matters not to me who someone marries. It neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket.

  • just curious says:

    can we really call the way you live an alternative lifestyle when you clearly have no alternatives?

  • Emily C says:

    They are just a sacred as yours or anyone else’s

  • mexangl716 says:

    No we cannot! We can call them as the LORD does. He says it is an abomination; it is sin.

  • Maurog II says:

    Hmm, also can you call any marriage sacred if it eventually ends in a divorce?

    In addition, since “sacred” means blessed by any god or gods, and there ARE some non-bigoted deities out there, I guess the answer should be yes.

  • The Oracle says:

    Why would you want to? Sacred isn’t what marriage is about.

  • tigris says:

    given how often your “sacred” marriages end up in divorce court I think there is very little “sacred” about them any more.

    for some reasons “red states” have 27% higher divorce rate than “blue states” in the US. This may be a coincidence, but it makes one think.

    A 2001 Barna Research Poll indicated that 33 percent of born-again Christians end their marriages in divorce, roughly the same as the general population, and that 90 percent of those divorces happen AFTER the conversion to Christianity. (Most people become born-again during their high school years.)

  • You I says:

    You can do what you want. Lots of atheists get married but I don’t see you complaining about that. You’re never going to stop people being gay so why don’t you go do something useful like raise money for orphans?

    You give Christianity a bad name, chastising minorities, it’s really quite sickening. No wonder your numbers are decreasing so steadily.

  • bust_it_babiiee<3 says:

    who are you to tell 2 people in love that they should not be recognized as sacred like straight marriage? it doesn’t make any sense

  • drasago says:

    And if it is between a man and a woman, it surely must be sacred considering that over 50% end in divorce, abuse, and cheating…where as the number for gay couples is significantly lower…now…really…who’s taking this marriage thing more seriously?

  • Exterminating Angel says:

    Just think of the divorce rates. Is divorce sacred now? Because that’s what most marriages between men and women result in.

  • MMmmm Iced Cap. says:

    Well since you say so it must be true.

  • Labgrrl, CWF says:

    Perhaps in your religion *you* can’t call it a sacred marriage, but in my religion my marriage certainly is.

    I would like to *thank* you for guaranteeing me a place in your heaven should it prove to exist. If your speaking out against my marriage and my faith is not persecuting me for righteousness’ sake, then NOTHING is.

    Our 15th anniversary was June 10th of this year, and gods willing we’ll be having our 30th after your hatred is already in the grave, hopefully without you attached to it!

    ….The Average length of time of a first marriage in the United States for opposite sex couples is 8 years, bub. Seems you could learn something from us:

  • taoworldactivist says:

    Can we call 52% of marriage in America sacred?
    The bible states that you can not get divorced, or else
    you will be prosecuted with excommunication from the church.

    Why don’t you look up the percentage of divorce for same
    sex couples and tell me who has the higher chance of
    ruining your precious sanctity.

  • Marysia says:

    i don’t think anyone is trying to call it a sacred union or sacrament.

  • Gazoo says:

    Frankly as long as you make them legal, what difference would it make to them if YOUR church doesn’t recognize it.

    Or are you looking for the church to say it’s OK. I mean with that haircut….

  • haysoos2 says:

    Maybe in the Christian religion, the only sacred union is between a man and a woman, however (and this seems to be the part Christians have the hardest part understanding) not everyone is a member the Christian religion, and shouldn’t be forced to use whatever the Christian definition of marriage is.

    Why can’t Christians just keep their little eccentric beliefs to themselves? Why do they insist that everyone follow their rules?

  • james h says:

    Why is the only sacred union between man/woman?

    There’s nothing wrong with same sex marriage, as long as they love one another and stay devoted to one another.

    More than many Christian marriages I know of.

  • Road Horse™ (Not To Be Cloned) says:

    Can you really call your hairdo a hairdo??

  • Floid says:

    I take the Dennis Miller approach… there are enough unhappy, miserable people in the world that if two adults find getting married and spending their lives together makes them happy, I am not one to take away from them.

  • Texas T says:

    no, not according to my God.

  • Flying Spaghetti Monster says:

    well if they marry under the Church of the FSM of course it is a sacred union

    -your tolerant deity the FSM

  • Warumono ?? says:

    No marriage is sacred anymore. Usually they end in divorce. So why not give everyone a chance to have the same experiences? People like you make me kind of ill.

  • sculptorclay says:

    Why is it any of your goddamn business what two other people want to do?

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