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Question by Not Of This World – N.O.T.W –: Can we really call same sex marriages “Sacred marriage”?
understanding that the only sacred union or marriage is between a man and a woman!
I’m not talking about any statistics in particular but marriage by itself

Best answer:

Answer by chippyreturns
Oh you mean your God that is a God of love doesnt approve of love between 2 men or 2 women?


I would say that a marriage between 2 men or 2 women that love eachother, and will always be there for eachother, is more sacred than that of 2 christians who end up divorcing after their first child.

edit: so people seriously think its better that 2 people have a child and divorce than it is for a man to love another man or woman to love another woman? that is incredibly disappointing.

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35 Responses to Can we really call same sex marriages “Sacred marriage”?

  • Alan says:

    Why does marriage have to be sacred? Why does it have to be based on your religion.

    Lots of people get married in other relgious ceremonys and lots of them get married in secular ceremonys. Are those people any less married ?

    Also, consider a scared marriage ceremony performed in a church. The bride and groom are 18 years old, high school drop outs, living in their car, no jobs, history of drug problems, bad teeth, dumb as a bag of hammers and planning on having lots and lots of kids. But they got married in church. Is this sacred ?

  • ooogan says:

    No, a Christian cannot… however, I don’t judge those who do, their day of judgement will come. Christians are taught to love all people just as Jesus did, and Christians who are judgemental and discriminatory towards same sex marriage are not showing their best characteristics, but NO one is perfect.

  • MrNiceGuy says:

    When me and my wife got married we were a little scared.
    Why can’t gay people be scared?
    Just cause you’re gay doesn’t mean you can’t be nervous about a lifetime commitment and… wha..
    Sorry, my bad.
    Sacred, not scared.
    Common mistake.

    Have a nice day.

  • james o says:

    Well, yes, we certainly can and should call same-sex marriages sacred marriages if the couple sees it that way —
    understanding that your understanding of sacred union or marriage is simply not the understanding that most people bring to the discussion.

  • Murazor says:

    Can we really call a fauxhawk a “serious hair do?”

  • Hugo says:

    What is sacred to them, is sacred to them

    What is sacred to a Jew or Muslim may not be sacred to you.

    ‘Sacred’ is personal. And long may it remain so.

  • newgrange says:

    so Britney Spears’ drive-thru marriages-and-divorces are “sacred” because they were hetero couples, but a genuinely committed gay couple that have lasted decades in a mature and responsible relationship are not?

    “one-size-fits-all” does not fit here.

  • Like a Fox says:

    When it boils down to it there is no difference between the marriage of opposite or same sex. Love is love at the end of the day.
    I would hardly call marriage sacred, i would call it a piece of paper and of no benefit to anyone but the government.

  • Dark Lord of Truth says:

    Depends on what culture you’re using as an example. Marriage means different things for different people. Some marriages are between a man and a woman, some are between a man and many women, some are between a woman and many men. I don’t see why same sex marriage should be any worse than the others. The idea that marriage is a christian tradition started by god and his followers is a complete falsehood. People have been practicing marriage in one form or another for thousands and thousands of years.

  • nicole [ilk] says:

    no i dont think you can. a sacred marriage is the traditional one man, one woman marriage like God intended. same sex marriages are FAR from sacred marraiges, and personally i dont think the love comes close to a man and a womans love. you might think youre in love, but i dont think it comes close to the love God intended for man and woman.

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