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Can You Be Helped With Remote Or Distant Healing Energy?

Is there any evidence that distant healing works? And just what is distant healing?

Distant healing is also called remote healing, absent healing or distance healing. It takes place when one or more healers send energy or thought vibrations in an intentional focused manner, pray for, or meditate for someone in need who may be nearby or thousands of miles away.

Like noted psychic healer Edgar Cayce at the beginning of the century there are now many practioners of this particular esoteric art that claim to be proficient in sending spiritual energy to heal others often over great distances. Rosemary Altea, Rosalyn Bruyere and Carolyne Myss are some other famous healers.

Today these healers come from many backgrounds with varying levels of skill and training. There are reiki teachers, mystics, psychic healers, charismatic christians, shamans or medicine men, curanderos, curanderas, intuitives, indigo children, yogi masters, channellers, chi and chakra manipulators, wiccans, silva mind control experts, graduates of healing schools, including Barbara Brennan’s famous one, as well as many others from all walks of life who just happen to have a knack for getting in touch with their own or other divine forces and magically helping others by sending or beaming that powerful spiritual energy.

Some healers call on divine intervention, a specific angel or god, or channel spirit guides or entities through to do the healing. Others just concentrate on sending loving energy or positive thoughts to the healee. Though all the processes differ the end result wished for is the same; heal someone at a distance.

The internet has helped to facilitate the process

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