of distant healing by making it easier for the healers to get in touch with those that need to be healed. In fact there are sites that you can visit that will allow you to make a request for distant healing and have others send loving energy to help manifest the desired outcome. Some of the distance healing sites require payment some are free.
If the proof is in the pudding then there is more than ample testimonial evidence that this distance healing works. Check out any of the hundreds of distance healing websites around the globe and you’ll be greeted with hundreds and hundreds of glowing testimonials from those who claim to have been helped by distant healers, energy senders, psychics and those who have come together to offer intercessory prayer.
Even if you eliminate a number of the testimonials as being a result of coincidence, fraud, or hype you are still left with a plethora of folks who firmly believe that they have been helped and healed as a result of this spiritual energy sending.
But is there any real scientific evidence that this phenomenon is real? Actually, there are now numerous studies pointing to the efficacy of this energy medicine. In fact, in randomized controlled studies this healing technique has demonstrated significant effects in humans, animals, plants, cells and dna.
Daniel J. Benor, M.D., revealed that two prime studies done on hundreds of cardiac patients in intensive care units showed those that were sent healing prayers had considerable improvement compared to the group that was not.
In a study conducted on AIDs patients by Elisabeth Targ, Fred Sicher and 7 others, Benor noted that those who had had experienced energy