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Escapism is a bad thing. Or is it? It is the gateway to creative art, that much is certain. This poem is a meditation on day-dreaming. And how day-dreaming can become a meditational aid. And how dream and reality are so similar, but the former lacking in the latter’s somewhat bumpy ride. Day-dreaming is bad, slothful, leads one into inappropriate habits. But the man who stays at home gives the world little reason to regret his lack of adventurous spirit. While politicians, warlords, empire builders in their more concrete achievements bring quite often ruin and devastation upon us all. The man who stays at home has as good a time as the inveterate restless traveller. But I would say that, wouldn’t I? Caribbean penis always decently sheathed, erect or flaccid. always deliciously full. thick at rest. hardly any thicker when at play. constant in every way. great muscularity with innocence. power, like his penis, sheathed. always smiling he confronts the world, modestly accepts its adulation. white and brown and black we ride the surf of the constant Caribbean. after tea, before the sudden setting of the sun hand in hand and hand on waist we wander the footprint margin of the southern shore. limestone, metamorphic, sedimentary unpredictable volcanic the island chain lazily from Haiti to Venezuela describes its Caribbean arc. magic islands of the Americas far-distant magic islands calling me to inundation of the whirling senses among your coral reefs and waving palms. in the
Video Rating: 5 / 5

10 Responses to Caribbean: A Poem by Charles Bryant

  • brychar66 says:

    Thank you very much Sam. It seems I am not alone in my armchair-traveller mode!

  • samuelgodfreygeorge says:

    I’m also a man who travels a lot staying at home. Your insight is a source of joy.

  • brychar66 says:

    OK Michael and thanks for the nice words!

  • harleynanda says:

    Of your preference, I can appreciate but not partake. None the less, your verse is splendid, Charles. Its elocution and flow is as rhythmic, physical, and sensuous as the palms of those islands when caressed by the gentle breeze, the roll of the waves upon the shore, or the trance you spin wherein your imagination plies its swimmer’s strokes. I am but a novice to writing, and your inspiration is a gift. I thank you.

  • brychar66 says:

    Thanks Shug!

  • megansspark says:

    ah, a new favorite. 🙂 So personal, which honors us.
    The reality of you is as charming as your fantasy you share, both endearing.

  • ginamari says:

    it was hard to concentrate on your poem…I just wanted to see the rest of the tight pants man… 😉

  • brychar66 says:

    hehe – I hope you had a good night! I had in mind a more explicit series of photographs but decided not to raise any hackles!

  • citizenX9328g says:

    “I never was adventurous, you see.
    or only in the mind where I am free”
    Love and relate to these lines very much

  • citizenX9328g says:

    Strident stuff 🙂 Good for you!
    I’ll be thinking of willies all night now XD

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