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for Vengeance, Harm, &c. It is designed with practitioners of modern hoodoo folk magic in mind. As a result, it does occasionally make references to Christianity and its beliefs, but does not particularly expect the reader to follow them. The spells tend toward religiously neutral witchcraft, and often make use of popular conjure formulas with names like Crossing Powder, Revenge Oil, Zula Zula, and Goofer Dust available from botanicas, candle stores and curio shops.

The following is an example of one of the more than forty real spells the book provides, used here with permission of the author:

To Ruin the Happiness of Your Spell-Target

Bottle or Jar
Paper with enemy’s name written 9 times
Goofer Dust
Black Salt
Red Wine Vinegar

Begin by rubbing the name-paper thoroughly with Goofer Dust, while cursing your enemy. Shake off the paper, and place it into the jar.
Fill the jar a portion of the way with Black Salt, and say “__(name)__, this destroys your luck.” Then top it off with the Red Wine Vinegar, and say, “__(name)__, this sours your fortune.” Tightly cap the jar, and give it a thorough shaking: the contents will combine into a black sludge. Dispose of the jar in a graveyard.

The fact is that we live in a golden age for spellcasters. No more are magic spell books printed at the mercy of what a publisher imagines will be popular or acceptable to a mainstream pagan market. New print-on-demand technology has allowed many authors to release their spell books to the public. Death and Destruction is a shining example of this, and is sure to benefit those who purchase it.

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