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Cell Phone Texting Can Endanger Spelling

There is a clear relationship between computers and learning. In the eyes of many people, the internet is a channel to learn news and information without ever leaving your home, if you’ve got a 24 hour internet connection. More or less, it can be educational and great fun to enjoy these innovations.

Going digital these days is very popular. You do not belong in this generation if you do not know PC applications and how to use mobile phones. Everything now, is digitally inscribed, unlike the past when every idea was written on paper or even clay tablets.

Mobile phones are rampant these days; even third graders have them for communication, and games. These gadgets are a lot more expensive and advanced than the cell phones that their parents possessed at their age.

These kids are knowledgeable and creative with mobile texting. Sadly, “shorts,” or short cuts used, influence their success in spelling. Even when chatting on the internet, they make use of these trends.

This alarms educators. There are numerous people involved in texting these days. The popularity of SMS (short message sending) captivates both young and the old. There is no problem among older people because their spelling skills are more established.

Children are more prone to commit errors because they have read less, and prefer to play games, or watch TV, etc. Much of their time is influenced by what is going on in their environment. So we have to be watchful that they not look stupid because they cannot spell simple common words. Texting has come along with a flourish, making a big impact among them. This habit forming menace can influence kids to spell incorrectly or get

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