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Get your custom playmats at InkedPlaymats and use promo code “Klotz” to save 10% on your order! This is the highlights of game one between NIck and Dakota in the Blue/White Delver mirror match. Music by Nathan Wills Youtube: Internet: KlotzSquared for Videogames!!! http KlotzProductions on facebook!!! KlotzProductions Blog!!! klotzproductions.blogspot.comCheck us out at something 2 do’s website.. Come join us every Tuesday and Friday night for Type 2 Standard Magic The Gathering tournaments at 6:30 at Something 2 Do!!! Or join us on our facebook page… © Wizards of the Coast LLC. Images used with permission. Illus. John Avon, Nils Hamm, Igor Kieryluk, Chippy, Franz Vohwinkel, Greg Staples, Jung Park, Bud Cook, Howard Lyon, James Paick, Lars Grant-West, Volkan Baga, Raymond Swanland, Vincent Proce. Not an official Wizards of the Coast LLC production.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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14 Responses to Ceo – Illuminata (Nicolas Jaar Rework)

  • Counterbob8 says:

    flipping the delvers to? just have the back of the sleeve there is terrible. Properly represent whats one board its not very hard to pull it out of the sleeve

  • KlotzProductions says:

    @DeadFreshy I do not have the exact lists however the deck is so common that I am sure you? can find a very similar build on the internet relatively easy.

  • DeadFreshy says:

    anyway to get the? deck list on the decks?

  • rockon9106 says:

    @JuggaSic Yeah I have a friend in that position, favoring the same colors. Personally I’m used to playing mono-red, and other aggro decks, so an aggro meta is fine for me :). Having seen the dark ascension spoilers, I haven’t seen anything exciting in red. I think I might try a sort of white black token deck just as a homebrew. I find homebrew decks are fun to play with as long as you win a fair amount of games, even if you aren’t 4-0’ing at every fnm. Good luck!?

  • aberageddon says:

    @aberageddon? and by Innistrad cards, I mean cards from innistrad block

  • aberageddon says:

    Someone has to make? a colorless deck using only innistrad cards.
    Why not?

  • NordenzurZukunft says:

    Hey Kev, say? “Island”

  • JuggaSic says:


    I just started playing around around september, so I can’t totally feel that pain, but I don’t like the look of Jace just as general? taste. As said in another comment I’m partial to green, though my second color is definitely black, and I’m trying so hard to make some kind of mono black mid range, or my own version of wolf run black….heres hopin..

  • JuggaSic says:


    In a way I agree, but its mainly for the simple fact that I love big green beats, its just? not very viable and way to slow/weak in my meta.

  • wohocho says:

    reveal gutshot from hand =? win

  • cj2121212121 says:

    @lozfactor Either drew it or wanted? to be out of mana-leak range?

  • lozfactor says:

    Why did he wait so long to put? out his Delver? D:D:D:

  • R3dCom3T says:

    Yea? from what I gathered U/W delver I believe is the most common standard deck everybody seems to run

  • kanatan14 says:

    im? pretty sure star city games sells that mat

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