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Question by Geri T: certain love tarot cards?
Sorry, no results for “lillith or some one who knows the cards I am speaking about please! I once found some love tarot cards of my friends it was not used by her a friend either gave them or lent them, I am not sure. anyways they were diffrent they were about love or for lovers, Well I read them the best i could and it had said that my boyfriend was like really sexual and that it was going to affect us because of temptation and that someone was going to try and come between us. well 2 years laer and a baby. He has left out of my life wont call at all isnt going to his jib of 8 years, has not even bothered to see our baby, I am going through a new course in my life. I just graduated yesterday from business class and I am devestated I cant eat or sleep I cant even type this without tears pouring out or my heart ripping all the way up my throat. I am in so much pain I cant believe this is caused so much pain
is it possible a spell was put on us both there is this guy that likes me and I saw my intial on a tree. it made me mad, but I think that some one put a spell on my boyfriend first. I found a phone number on cell phone that was made by a women who worked at a nursing home quite a few times, I think it is a women who has been in love with him since we met.

Best answer:

Answer by Sadhara Satguru

Im sorry about the situation your in, I have been there – not nice.

I can’t comment on the cards that you laid as I do not know what they are or what positions they feel in.

Join our forum, you will find lots of tarot folk & we may be able to help x


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