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Our Chakras are responsible for many aspects of our health – the workings of our endocrine system, the diseases which may affect is and our thought processes. Chakra balancing can make sure that all of the systems of our physical body are working properly and that our mental health is in proper balance.

Chakra Balancing offers many benefits:

* Inner peace and a sense of well-being

* Physical health

* A satisfying sex life

* Being in touch with your emotions

* An increased ability to express love

* Spiritual growth and healing

* Greater self confidence

There are several different ways to perform Chakra Balancing. Try the following techniques to bring you Chakras into balance.

* Therapeutic treatments –  for example, Reiki

* Yoga and Meditation

* Exercise

* Color & Light therapy

* Auric healing using crystals and gems

* Balancing by using hands and pendulums.

* Aromatherapy

* Touch Therapy

* Positive Thinking

* Binaural Sound Frequencies

* Affirmations and Hypnosis

Our body has its own natural reservoir of energy, this energy is used by the body and released, to be replenished by universal energy drawn in by our Chakras.

Chakra balancing aims to ensure the efficient processing and use of this energy by the body, mind and spirit.

When your Chakras are returned to a balanced state, inner peace and well being result. Chakra Balancing brings the Chakras back to a healthy and balanced state.

Paul White is a teacher who writes for the popular website. Visit here to receive twenty-nine FREE chakra healing and balancing mp3 hypnosis, affirmations and binaural frequency audios.

LEARN REIKI HEALING at: — CHAKRAS A poetic description of the chakras intervowen with the subject and process of “creation” and its reversal into the ‘cosmic embrace’. Understanding of the chakras is widely used in both yoga and in Reiki healing. The chakras can been seen as the bridges between the gross and the subtle aspects of our being, leading us into a deeper understanding of who and what we are. REIKI natural holistic healing is helpful for the process of learning to understand ourselves and our human potential. You can find more information by watching the following video: or at: Still your mind Look at new horizons within Ponder why you are here Let the journey begin! I wish you peace, health, and happiness always.
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