is a scientific fact that has been proven repeatedly at the world’s leading universities and by the world’s top scientists. And,. as the oldest mapping system of human nature, health and behavior, the chakras are also a scientific fact!
My preferred form of yoga is Bhakti and it has the most powerful effect on the chakras in terms of keepig them in the best shape. And even though I am not perfect with my Bhakti practice, it is still incredibly beneficial in my life! The matra practice and vegetarianism is very purifying and really does make a world of difference almost right away. The bottom line is that you can take control over your world by working within the chakra realms. Its that simple. All you need to do is take the next step and learn the most effective chakra meditation techniques. Chakras are also a scientific fact, and that is why they are so effective for addressing areas of our lives that need healing, ‘massage,’ and/or subtle-energy treatment.
Bhakta David is an experienced chakra meditation specialist. He is also a proponent of Bhakti yoga and a disciple of the Guru, Gita Sudarshananada. And, there is a lot more useful information related to this article at

The root chakra or base chakra is the 1st chakra and the most important one. The color is red. and is located at the base of your spine. The root chakra stands for security, safety and basic needs, like clothing money etc…..
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