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Chakra Stimulation: Mental Hands Chakra Stimulation Exercise

This method for chakra stimulation, is called the mental hands technique. The goal here, is to shift your focus to other parts of your body.

1.) Relax your mind and body.

2.) Visualize a pair of invisible hands, focus your mind on these hands and start mentally massaging yourself starting at your feet.

3.) Imagine the hands going up and massaging your legs and throughout the rest of your body.

4.) Keep your focus on the hands and feel your body becoming relaxed one body part at a time.

5.) Your point of awareness is entirely on these hands, your point of consciousness is shifting to each part of your body as you do this.

6.) Combine this with deep breathing, inhale strongly through the nostrils and exhale through the mouth.

Here is where each Chakra is located.
The Root Chakra is located directly at the base of the spine.
The Naval Chakra is located in the lower abdomen.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located just above the navel and below the chest.
The Heart Chakra is located at the center of the chest
The Throat Chakra is located in the throat area between one’s chin and the top of the sternum.
The Brow Chakra is located in the forehead, right above our eyes.
The Crown Chakra is located at the very top of the head.

7.) After you feel that your whole body is relaxed, use the mental hands to pull energy up from your feet and legs and direct that energy to the root chakra. Image each chakra roughly about the size of a softball.

8.) Move on to the next one and so on. You should repeat this a few times, it may take practice to get the hang of it. If done properly, you will notice a rush of energy

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