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Chakra System

Chakra System

What is the only way to conceptualize the complete Chakra System? The complete chakra system is a metaphysical source comprised of 108 chakras. The complete chakras system is 66 chakras up and chakra zero grounding with minus 42 down. This for a total chakra system of 108 chakras.

Something else which should be understood about the chakra system is that chakras are grouped into series. Each series found in the chakra system also relates to a spatial dimension.

Science and spirituality tell us there are 10 spatial dimensions. What is extremely interesting is that yoga meditation, spirituality, and advancements in metaphysical enlightenment teach that the chakras 0-7 relate to 3rd dimension of space (volume, the reality that most people are living in), chakras 8-15 relate to 4th dimension, chakras 16-22 to 5th dimension, 23-30 to 6th dimension, 31-42 to 7th, 43-50 8th, 51-58 9th, and 59-66 10th dimension.

Although most people live in 3rd dimension of reality this does not mean that you can not advance to higher realities, opening more of the complete chakra system and become more enlightened, gain more power, increase health, longevity, deathlessness and even abundance.

The traditional view of the seven human body chakras is a reality. What happens is when you have realized the opening of the 7th chakra the next series descends and falls into place. This sequence continues at the next level of major spiritual realization (when each crown placement open: chakras 7, 15, 22, 30, 38, 50, 58, 66) until the complete chakra system is in place.

The location of the traditional view of the seven major chakras also are part of the chakra system. The first chakra rests at the coccyx or

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